How is TCM Aesthetic Procedure performed?
The TCM aesthetic procedure is a specialized technique developed from the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) meridian theory and modern anatomy.
Aging occurs due to the relaxation, sagging, and displacement of muscles and fascia, as well as soft tissue atrophy and the thinning and loosening of the skin.
To address these issues, we must first resolve insufficient qi and blood flow to the head and face, as these deficiencies affect cellular regeneration and metabolic rate. This is why we experience facial tissue sagging, atrophy, and skin aging. Aging always begins internally, and by the time external signs appear, internal deterioration has already been underway for years.
Through the stimulation of 33 facial acupoints and meridians, TCM facial sculpting enhances qi and blood circulation, accelerating cell regeneration to revitalize both the skin and muscles.
The treatment also tightens the skin, muscles, and fascia layers, repositioning 44 facial muscles to sculpt and rejuvenate the face—all without the use of devices, needles, or surgery.
Each treatment plan is customized according to the individual’s physical condition, age, and degree of aging. No two procedures are the same, with adjustments made based on each person’s unique needs.
For those unfamiliar with both traditional and modern medical knowledge, understanding the concepts behind our technique can be challenging.
Thus, a thorough facial consultation is essential to professionally evaluate a customer’s concerns and provide a tailored solution. During the procedure, we also explain to the client in detail the muscles that need repositioning.
TCM aesthetic procedures are among the safest cosmetic methods in the world, with no side effects or risk of complications.
要解决这些问题,首先要解决头面部气血不足,气血不足会影响细胞更新和新陈代谢的速度。所以我们会出现面部组织萎缩下垂和皮肤老化的问题。人的衰老永远都是从内部开始的,你看到外面已经老化的问题,内部老化在几年前 就开始了。
中医整形通过疏通面部33 个穴位和经络改变面部气血,加速细胞更新让皮肤和肌肉焕发活力。
在通过络脉收紧皮肤、肌肉、筋膜层、深层筋膜层复位面部44 块肌肉达到面部塑形的效果。没有使用仪器,没有针,没有开刀。